
5 Great Alternatives to Chocolate Easter Eggs

Post Easter we are still thinking about chocolate, although with the UK under coronavirus lockdown you may not feel as though there’s a worldwide celebration and national holiday approaching. With the lockdown measures preventing all but essential travel this year there will be a noticeable absence of public gatherings paying respects to the religious significance and customs associated with Easter.

There will be no Easter Sunday get-togethers with friends and family visiting from far afield. Some shops have even been encouraged to stop stocking our favourite Easter treat, the chocolate Easter egg. This year things are very different than ever before.

So, how can we show our family and friends we are thinking of them?

Cheester Egg
Cheester Egg

Even if we can’t be together in person this year, we can still send thoughtful tokens through the post to our loved ones. These are five of my favourite alternatives to chocolate Easter eggs and I hope you find an idea or two you can use to celebrate Easter with your family and friends too.

  1. Cheester Eggs

As the name suggests, these delicious eggs are made from solid cheese shaped like an egg and wrapped in a presentation box. Is this the perfect gift for your friend who prefers a savoury choice rather than a sweet treat?

  1. Easter Flowers

Surely guaranteed to brighten someone’s day, Easter flowers are packaged carefully and delivered by post, arriving with fresh scents and vibrant colours. At this time of year, daffodils and tulips are popular, along with the traditional Easter Lily, the symbol of hope.

  1. Sponsoring Easter Bunnies

Sadly, there will always be animals in need of our help and Easter is a great opportunity to set up a sponsorship to protect an individual animal or endangered species. I support the Guide Dogs for the invaluable work they do for the visually impaired but there are many choices from snow leopards, to penguins, to horses, dogs, cats and of course bunny rabbits.

  1. Easter Perfume and Pampering Gifts

For men and women, the idea of sending perfume, aftershave or a bath-time pampering set as an alternative to a chocolate Easter egg is becoming increasingly popular. Perhaps with the abundance of all year round chocolate, receiving a non-edible gift is as thoughtful as it is memorable. For great pampering ideas please contact me and I’ll help you find the perfect Easter gift.

  1. No-Added-Sugar Easter Eggs

If you can’t imagine an Easter without a chocolate egg, then choosing a no-added-sugar egg is a great choice for a dairy-free, gluten-free healthier alternative. Made with ingredients such as cocoa butter, cacao mass, soya flour and xylitol, these delicious eggs have the appearance of a traditional Easter egg, without the extra calories.

If you like these ideas, please feel free to share them with your family and friends. Easter is a time to celebrate family and friendships even if we can’t celebrate in person this year. It’s celebrating remembering what we have given up to be where we are today and to taking the time to appreciate the things in life which truly matter.

For more Easter ideas please contact me on 07756 772950 and I’ll be happy to help choose the perfect Easter treat for your friends and family whether they live with you or whether the gift needs to be posted.

Staying Safe With “No Touch” Deliveries From Arbonne

After the Easter holidays and with Covid-19 ever present, it’s even more important to be aware of our physical boundaries, giving space between each other to reduce the spread of infection. We’re being recommended to allow at least two metres distance between people from different households, not to meet in groups and to stay indoors. So, it’s inevitable that our online shopping has soared as we seek to buy things to keep us nourished, occupied and entertained.

Recent statistics suggest that we’ve been buying more than usual for this time of the year. Some sales figures suggest our online shopping in March and April will be comparable with our usual Christmas spending amounts. While this is great news for online retailers and food distributors, it can present problems on our doorstep.

Proud to be an Arbonne Independent consultant
Proud to be an Arbonne Independent consultant

We’re used to greeting delivery men and women, to reaching out to accept our parcels in our hands. For many deliveries we’re using the stylus attached to the cord to squiggle our name. The same stylus someone else used to accept the parcel before ours and same stylus someone else will use after us. This shared object, the one we all use, can be a bearer of germs and potentially a risk for the vulnerable. Not to mention the overall risks to the delivery person being in close range with so many people in different parts of the country all in one day.

The good news is that many companies have relaxed their rules about signed for deliveries. Protecting both the delivery person and the recipient, parcels are being left on doorsteps, in greenhouses, garages, garden sheds and with neighbours. Arbonne is one of the companies advocating the no-touch delivery method and working hard to protect all customers.

It’s times like these when I’m proud to be an Arbonne Independent Consultant. I know that every order my customers place will be treated with the utmost care and attention. I trust that every parcel will reach the person who has ordered it, whether for themselves or for a friend or family member. I am especially glad to see more orders being placed on behalf of others.

It’s a sign that even with the most stringent lockdown our country has faced so far that we still care for others. We still want to show our love and appreciation sending gifts through the post even though we can’t currently exchange presents in person.

If you would like to send a special gift to your parents, grandparents, brother, sister, colleague or customer, I can thoroughly recommend the range of sustainable, environmentally friendly skin, bath and beauty products in the Arbonne collection. You may also find something to treat yourself while the lockdown continues.

To find out more, please give me a call on 07756 772950. I can arrange for your Arbonne order to arrive at a home or work address, or to be posted to a destination of your choice. I am proud to be an independent consultant for Arbonne and can answer any questions you may have about the products, the science, sustainability and environmental difference Arbonne are making in our ever-changing world.

How 2 Litres of Water Helped Me Beat Decision Fatigue and Changed My Life

This blog is focusing on my personal journey which I talk about in presentations and in 4Sights at 4Networking meetings. I’d like to share some of the steps I’ve taken to get to where I am today. I hope my experiences will help you take control of your lifestyle, your time and your income. There are many opportunities available which easily fit around your current commitments.

Seeing plants fourish
Seeing plants flourish

It’s said on average humans make 35,000 decisions every day. Many of these decisions are made at home before we even think about going to work. For example, a typical man makes 3 decisions when choosing which shirt, trousers and socks to wear. In comparison, a woman might make 10 or more decisions including clothing, make-up, jewellery and accessories. That’s before choosing whether to have toast or cereal with tea, coffee or orange juice. So, it’s easy to see how the number of decisions each day adds up to tens of thousands of micro-decisions taking place every few seconds.

Can you imagine what it would feel like if each of these micro-decisions took several minutes to make? This is known as “Decision Fatigue” and it’s a sign our brains have become overloaded. Simple tasks become agonisingly difficult. It’s where molehills become mountains. It can feel like you’re walking through treacle. Over time, decisions can take longer and longer, until the difficulty of making a choice becomes painfully slow, causing stress symptoms, anxiety and depression.

One tip I can offer is to lay out the clothes you want to wear tomorrow as one of your last tasks before bed. In the morning everything will be ready, and you’ll have a few less decisions to make.

Our decisions have a huge impact on our lives. To do, or not to do, that is the question.

In my teenage years, I had an incredibly tough decision to make. At age 18, from a busy, active and energetic life, playing hockey at club level, swimming at county level, canoeing, playing the violin, viola and singing in voice choirs, always on the go, suddenly the backache I’d been ignoring became serious. I was given a terrible decision to make. To undergo high risk surgery or live the rest of my life in a wheelchair.

I chose surgery and after a successful operation on the 14th of October 1997 I spent 5 weeks in hospital relearning how to stand, how to walk and how to climb stairs. With the metal rods in my back, even now, I sometimes feel like a cyborg. My recovery took months of physio plus lots of support from my family and friends. Instead of the super-active lifestyle I was used to, I took up gardening, cycling and joined an orchestra. I made the decision to love the new life I had been given.

Around 15 years later, I aggravated my back slipping down some stairs. I was in agony. I had a beautiful garden that needed my attention, yet I could hardly move from the sofa. Without my care, the precious plants I’d nurtured from seeds would wither and die. They became my motivation.

Again, I had choices. Should I ask my husband to help water the plants? That was an option, but previous experience told me the plants would probably die. Should I give up? In this option, the plants would certainly die. The third option was to find a way around this. To find a viable solution.

I chose the third option. There would be a way around this problem. I just needed to find it.

To aid the recovery from my back injury, the best advice was to walk and to increase my walking every day. Once I was walking freely and unaided, I started carrying some weights around with me to build up my strength and resilience. I didn’t have traditional weights, so I made my own. I used a 2 litre bottle of water.

At first, I only filled the bottle enough so I could water one of my plants. I chose the one plant that meant the most to me. The one I wanted to help survive while I was recovering myself. Having given the plant enough water, I refilled the bottle, again just a small amount, but enough to water the next plant. It took time and patience, but in the second week I could fill the bottle enough to water 2 plants in one go. Then in the third week, I filled the bottle enough to water 3 plants. Then within a month I could fill the whole 2 litre bottle and carry it around. It was enough to make sure I didn’t lose all my garden.

It wasn’t extra money or time at the gym that helped my garden to flourish. It was the power of the 2 litre bottle of water. It gave me the strength to build up my muscles without straining my back. I regained my posture and my confidence.

Seeing the plants thrive in the garden reminded me of the power of water.

As humans, we benefit just as much as plants from drinking water. Keeping ourselves hydrated throughout the day is like putting fuel in a car. It’s like recharging a mobile phone. If you find yourself lagging during the day, if your eyes itch or you are easily distracted, take a few sips of water.

You’ll find when you’re properly hydrated, decisions are easier to make. You’ll have more energy and feel more awake. I can also recommend cutting back on tea and coffee, these drinks will dehydrate you during the day. If you need help remembering to drink more water, set an alarm or ask me to be your accountability buddy.

This is how 2 litres of water helped in my recovery from my back injury and gave me the tools to help my garden survive. Water has helped build my strength and my confidence. It helps maintain my health and has been massively beneficial for me in many ways. I believe every problem has a resolution and I enjoy thinking outside the box, finding solutions for myself and my clients.

What simple thing in everyday life has helped you?

Rachael is an excellent 4Sighter! I recently saw her 4Sight at Leek Breakfast and her story really made me reflect on ways I can stay focused when working from home. I’m now more aware of the breaks I’m taking and I’m making a conscious effort to drink more water! Thanks Rachael!” – Sarah Spicer, The English Coach, Macclesfield.

If you would like to hear my 4Sight in person with more details about my journey, surgery, recovery, the plants and the solutions I find for others, please give me a call on 07756 772950.

Who can resist shopping and cake?

Shopping and cake. These are two of my favourite things. Are they yours? If you like shopping or cake, or both, come and join me at my “Celebrating 40 Years of Arbonne” event! It’s on from 7pm to 9pm on Monday the 16th of March at Wet Led (Church Street, Macclesfield) and everyone’s welcome to come along.

At the event I’ll be showcasing some of the award-winning products created by Arbonne. So, if you fancy some pampering, come along! I’ll be able to show you some of the fabulous skincare cleansers, toners, moisturisers and creams to smooth out wrinkles and make your skin glow radiantly.

We can talk about the latest make-up trends, which colours are popular this season, and how to wear different types of make-up during the day and how to add special effects for evenings out.

I’ve noticed the Arbonne moisturising lip balms are extremely popular at this time of the year when it’s still cold outside. The soothing moisture lip balm with sustainable shea butter can be used on its own, or because it’s clear in colour, it can be used as a base layer to protect your lips before a coat of lipstick. Having chapped lips can be awkward for eating and speaking and this deceptively simple product can ease painful lips and boost your confidence.

Arbonne is a pioneer in plant-based, 100% vegan, cruelty-free products, created from sustainable sources and backed by both scientific and clinical research. I am proud to be a brand ambassador for this amazing company with its holistic values to improve the skin, body and mind, inside and outside.

I mentioned cake at the beginning and there will be plenty of cake at Wet Led on the 16th of March. Lots of cake and lots of drinks as well! I’m hoping the evening will be filled with fun and laughter, chatting about everything from family to holidays, stories of adventures and most of all, bringing people together.

I hope anyone who arrives as a stranger will leave as a friend. My event “Celebrating 40 Years of Arbonne” is open to everyone however please confirm you’re coming (very important for cake supplies!) using the contact details below.

Celebrating 40 years of Arbonne – Hosted by Rachael Chiverton

Venue: Wet Led, Church Street, Macclesfield

Date: Monday 16th March

Time: 7pm to 9pm

Please comment here if you can come along, or please give me a call on 07756 772950. If there are any Arbonne products you would like to purchase on the evening, please let me know on or by Friday 13th of March. Any products can be ordered on the night for prompt delivery.

Give Yourself A Confidence Boost With Clear And Healthy Skin

How many party invitations have you turned down because you weren’t happy with the way you looked? Have you ever hidden your face away from the camera or asked friends to remove photos of you from Facebook or Instagram?

It happens more often than you might think. Everywhere we look, especially online, many people paint a perfect picture of reality. They might add filters or change the lighting, doing anything and everything to make the photo look acceptable in their eyes. In extreme cases you might not recognise someone in real life from the persona they have created and cultivated online.

Clear Range - no more hiding your face
Clear Range – no more hiding your face

In behind the scenes, there’s often a deep-rooted desire to be accepted. There’s a widely believed perception that if you have the perfect face, perfect skin, it will somehow change things. But, in reality, it all comes down to how you feel about yourself and that’s something you do have control over.

Gaining confidence over your appearance is something everyone can achieve. It starts from within, taking care of yourself and being mindful of your health and nutrition. It doesn’t mean ditching all the takeaways and fast food, but instead making informed choices and having a variety of food each day.

The results will show in your skin and it’s always good to have a glow from making healthy choices. Instead of dry skin, blocked pores, breakouts, discolouration and a washed-out feeling, choosing products from the Clear Future Collection will help restore a healthy balance to your skin. You’ll have the confidence to stand tall and pose for photos without worrying about how you look.

As an Arbonne Independent Consultant I really enjoy helping people develop confidence in themselves. It’s a breakthrough when someone contacts me to say they feel better about themselves simply by making small changes to their lifestyle and appearance.

Having “bad skin” isn’t an unsolvable problem. It can take time and perseverance, but with five high performance natural solutions in the Clear Future Collection, it’s possible to have super smooth skin that’s clear and glowing. These highly recommended products are powered by acne-fighting salicylic acid and botanicals to help calm and soothe your skin.

According to Arbonne’s research, after 3 days 76% of participants noticed a visible improvement in skin redness. After 1 week, 79% of participants noticed a reduction in acne blemishes and after just 4 weeks 91% of participants reported that they would recommend Clear Future to their friends and family.

If you would like to know more about the five skin-healing, confidence boosting products, please contact me to chat about how these can fit into your lifestyle and make a big difference to how you see yourself.

I can show you results from using the Deep Pore Acne Cleanser, Corrective Acne Treatment Pads, Mattifying Acne Treatment Lotion, Intensive Acne Spot Treatment and Soothing Overnight Mask and how they can help you too. Please give me a call on 07756 772950 and I’ll help you gain the confidence to stand at the front of your next group photo.

How to Spend More Time with Your Sweetheart on Valentine’s Day

On Friday the 14th of February 2020 it’s Valentine’s Day. Since Roman times, this date has been set aside as a worldwide marker for romance. Love it or hate it, the 14th of February is the day when couples publicly and privately celebrate their friendship and relationship with each other. It’s become a tradition for both men and women to exchange cards and gifts to show their true love for each other.

This leads to the question of how do you express true love in a gift? What does true love look like?

Pampering for him or her
Pampering for him or her

How much does it cost? You might even argue if true love costs nothing, why do we buy gifts?

The answer to this lies in the fact that we are busy people and don’t always take the time to appreciate those we love as much as we would like. We’re busy being parents, grandparents, running businesses, commuting, cooking, keeping the house tidy and much more. Even living under the same roof doesn’t guarantee quality time together.

But, in reality, it only takes a little preparation if you would like to spend more time with your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day. Instead of stopping at the garage on your way home to queue up for last-minute flowers, chocolates or wine, I can help you to plan ahead. I can help you save time buying presents, so you can spend more time with your sweetheart.

If you’re not sure what to buy and don’t want to get it wrong, let me help you to select a thoughtful and memorable gift he or she will appreciate. Please contact me to chat about their likes and dislikes and I will find the perfect gift. You can choose whether the gift is delivered to your door, or to their office if you want it to be a surprise.

Gifts for men are becoming as popular as gifts for women. Why should ladies be the only ones to receive the champagne and chocolates? Online surveys suggest 4 out of 5 Britons will buy their loved one a gift for Valentine’s Day with the average spend of around £30, slightly higher for men buying for women than women buying for men.

As an Arbonne Independent Consultant, I love this time of year. It means I can chat with my clients, men and women, about the latest make-up and skincare products they may wish to buy for their husband, wife, partner, girlfriend or boyfriend. There’s lots of choice and sensational gifts to suit every budget.

Valentine’s Day is also the perfect occasion to treat yourself to something new. For ladies, it might be a new lipstick, eyeshadow or bronzer. For men, it could be a grooming kit tailored with luxury products, ideal for whether you’re clean-shaven or bearded. Buying a soothing foot-pampering kit is a not-so-subtle hint that you’d like your feet massaged. Doesn’t that sound perfectly romantic?

From setting the mood with scented candles, to foot pampering, to stylish make-up for a glamorous date night, I can deliver the special ingredients you need for a great time together. There’s still time to contact me to find out more about the romantic gifts you can choose for your true love. I may not be Cupid, but I can give you great ideas for romantic Valentine’s Day true love gifts.

You can find out more by messaging me or calling 07756 772950. Valentine’s Day is the 14th of February and there’s still time to have your romantic parcels delivered in time.

How becoming an Arbonne Independent Consultant helped me achieve more in my life.

We’re all looking for ways to get fitter and stay healthier, especially at this time of year when post-Christmas coughs and colds are everywhere around us. In previous years, it felt as though every germ, bug and lurgy was waiting around the corner trying to ambush me. But not anymore. There’s been a small but significant difference which I’d like to share with you.

You may have already heard of Arbonne and you may already be using their products. But if you haven’t, then please let me explain how this company has transformed my life in the last few months.

B Corporation Flourishing after 40 years
B Corporation Flourishing after 40 years

To start at the beginning, Arbonne is a world-leader in skincare, bath and body, nutrition and hair products used by men, women and children all around the world. You may already be using their products in your daily skincare routine. You may keep a fizz stick in your handbag to beat the mid-afternoon energy slump or have an Arbonne scented candle burning while you relax in the bath.

But if you haven’t heard of Arbonne, then please let me explain how I got involved and the genuine difference Arbonne has made for me. Put simply, I owe my involvement in becoming an Arbonne Independent Consultant to Vivien Hamilton, a lady I connected with online via LinkedIn, then met in person when I invited her to a 4Networking meeting.

Vivien’s company, Life Transformed with Arbonne, is a hugely successful business centred around providing Arbonne solutions to customers with different needs. From setting up Life Transformed with Arbonne to provide a flexible income after having children, Vivien now has a team of 28 people, including me.

I listened to Vivien’s story and learned how she was looking for an opportunity to have an income that would give her and her family choices in life and time together. These are things I wanted to achieve too, and I am sure there are many people in the same situation.

We chat most days via WhatsApp and Vivien drops in ideas to promote the gluten-free, 100% vegan certified products, in easy to achieve activities, such as running a pop-up shop, like the one I ran just before Christmas at Wet Led in Macclesfield.

I also talk about the sustainably sourced Arbonne products at the business networking meetings I attend. Over the last few months it has been interesting seeing people’s reactions to the different products I can offer. Some people are sceptical, and others can see the real-world benefits from changing to a holistic approach to beauty, health and wellbeing in their daily lives.

I asked Vivien for a quote to share in this blog about how she sees my role in her team and how I can grow with Arbonne to develop my business. This is what she said:

I think Rachael will be really successful, she takes action and is very organised. She follows through on everything she says she will do. I can see her building her own team in the future and helping others succeed too.” – Vivien Hamilton, Life Transformed with Arbonne.

My aim is to share the knowledge I have gained in health, beauty and nutrition to help others. I have seen great results through friends and colleagues who have more energy and more vibrancy after changing to using Arbonne products. For my business clients, I can recommend Arbonne products as gifts for key clients and employee rewards.

There are many opportunities for me to promote Arbonne products as they can be used by all of us, old or young, male or female. I am grateful to have met Vivien Hamilton and to have discovered the philosophy embracing the connection between a healthier mind and a stronger body.

If you would like to know more about Arbonne and the products designed to improve your quality of life, please contact me either by emailing or by telephoning 07756 772950. I will work with you to make small changes that will make a big difference.

How to take your existing business skills successfully into different ventures and different markets.

Having a “job for life” is something that’s rare in today’s world. Changes in the economy, general uncertainty and advances in technology are some of the reasons why “safe jobs” in many traditional industries are changing. New jobs are often advertised as zero hours contracts, shift work, or temporary assignments.

This shift in corporate thinking has filtered down to local businesses and I’m sure it has prompted a surge in both men and women taking on self-employment to create a secondary income. It’s not uncommon to meet someone employed in one job who also runs their own business as a side-line to bring in some extra cash.

This has lots of different rewards and many people carve out a lucrative income and flexible, family-friendly lifestyle, by working for themselves following tried and trusted methods. Instead of being seen as a supplementary income, with the right organisation and attitude, the sky is the limit. What may have started out as a side-line or hobby can become a primary source of income for many people.

Arbonne the power to transform lives
Arbonne the power to transform lives

I’m talking about my work as an Arbonne Independent Consultant through which I have discovered a way to complement my existing work and extend the range of products and services I can offer my clients. I am able to use my business skills in accounting, customer service, organisation and administration, to put together ideas and strategies to help individuals and business owners alike.

If you’ve heard of Arbonne, you’ll know the principles behind this world-leader in nutrition, skincare, bath, body and hair products. But, there’s more. Through using the products myself I was invited to join an Arbonne team. This was the launchpad for me to use my existing business skills to organise events and showcase the products to potential customers.

Then to prove Arbonne is an excellent opportunity for men and women to be involved, I introduced my friend Jon Smythe from Smooth Design to the range of products and discussed the potential for running events together.

Jon Smythe - independant Consultant Arbonne
Jon Smythe – independant Consultant Arbonne

Jon’s background in graphic design enables him to create powerful, eye-catching images for his clients. He also has many years of experience in network marketing, successfully promoting a range of healthcare products to an audience in the UK and abroad. With consumer interest shifting, Jon agreed to try the Arbonne products for himself.

Then following our conversations, Jon was impressed with the products and the company ethos enough to become an Arbonne Independent Consultant himself, switching from the healthcare products he had previously promoted and transferring his skills to the new market.

I asked Jon for a quote to share in this blog about how I’ve helped him transfer from promoting his previous products across to Arbonne and join the team with me. This is what he said:

I first met Rachael when she was known as “The Contracts Lady”, helping business owners with their legal documents and terms and conditions. Rachael is extraordinary as an accountability partner. It’s what she’s best at. She’s efficient and organised and will help you achieve anything you need to do, when you need to do it. Whatever I say to Rachael I need done she will make sure I get it done.” – Jon Smythe, Smooth Designs.

Through our individual work and regular collaborations creating pop-up shops and other events, Jon and I are pleased to see the impact of Arbonne products, such as the fizz sticks and skin creams, being used on a daily basis by new and existing customers.

I find talking about the benefits between a healthy body and a healthy mind are so intrinsically linked that you cannot have one without the other. I am organising several events this year and looking for people to join me, either to try the products or to hear more about the lifestyle benefits.

If you would like to know more about the sustainably sourced, gluten-free, 100% vegan certified products in the Arbonne range, including the popular fizz sticks that beat the afternoon energy slump, please contact me either by emailing or by telephoning 07756 772950. Together we can make a big difference using your existing skills in different markets.

Does Social Media Make A Difference To Your Business?

It’s hard to remember a time when social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., was just used for social interactions. You’d post a photo of your dinner, or your cat, you might keep a journal, or share a joke. Your online friends were people you knew well, people you went to school with or who lived in the same town. Social media was a smaller pool of information with a limited reach and audience.

However, studies carried out in 2019 suggest there are 3.48 billion people using social media on mobile devices with a growth of 297 million users, a year-on-year addition of over 10%. That’s a lot of people you could put your message in front of and social media is now an integral part of most businesses marketing strategies.

It's easy to stop social media overload

For many people, social media is also an essential part of everyday life. Checking for new activity and commenting on recent posts is probably one of the first things many business owners do each day, along with making a cup of coffee and checking emails. You don’t even need to be in the office to do this as social media platforms are available 24×7 on your smartphone and tablet.

If this sounds strange, just consider these key reasons why business owners need social media:

  1. You have access to an instant global audience across multiple platforms.
  2. You can connect directly with potential customers using targeted marketing.
  3. Social media can influence whether people buy your products and services or not.

Going back to the idea of posting a photo of your dinner on social media, if this is done from a business perspective, it can have a substantial impact on the person viewing the post. If, for example, your business is in the fitness industry, a photo of a healthy meal along with a motivational message or special offer could prompt an enquiry from someone. This could lead to them buying a product, visiting your gym, or trying your health programme. All from a photo of your dinner.

Other examples include videos of car journeys to advertise car manufacturers, garages, taxi firms and travel companies. Before and after photos are popular with business owners demonstrating how their hair, make-up and skin care products can transform your look and your confidence. We are very receptive to visual stories and these are extremely successful ways to market almost any product or service.

Social media is an invitation to interact with people from anywhere in the world. If you can post regular, interesting, educational, informative, or simply fun messages, you’ll soon attract a loyal following of people keen to hear what you have to say next.

This is the key to becoming visible online. If you think of the 3.48 billion people online, it can be daunting to start thinking how you can stand out and how you can attract new customers. Simply by delivering regular posts targeted to users on via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, you can maximise the impact of your marketing budget.

This is where I can help. If you’re stuck thinking what to write or worried people won’t see what you’ve posted, I can help. I’ve recently launched a new service called “A Post A Day” designed to take away the stress of creating content and scheduling it across the social media platforms.

So, if you’d like to get your message in front of as many people as possible, please give me a call on 07756 772950 or visit and let’s get started.

Merry Christmas And End Of The Year Reflections

Over the last twelve months I’ve covered many different topics through the Focus Guru and RachaelChiverton blogs. Some of the blogs have been written to address common questions I’m asked about business and contracts and others have been about mindset, creating habits and making the best use of time.

End of year reflection, what have you achieved
End of year reflection, what have you achieved

Here is a re-cap of everything I’ve covered, from my Communications and Cashflow Workshop with James Perryman, to the business skills we can learn from our pets.

I’ve had some lovely feedback from clients in different sectors who are gaining huge benefits from the improved time management and streamlined processes I have helped to implement.

If I can help you or your staff with any business related issue, please contact me either by emailing or by telephoning 07756 772950. I offer a free 15 minute consultation and will work with you to make small changes that make a big difference.












Thank you for sharing this year with me. As 2019 draws to a close, I hope to continue working with you, developing new strategies, boosting your social media presence, creating new habits and being accountable with sticking to them, writing your contracts and enhancing your processes and productivity. Let’s make 2020 your best year yet!