Is it possible to keep your house and your business running smoothly?
With many people working from home, the line drawn between office hours and home hours is often very blurry. Sometimes it feels as though the hours overlap and it’s not obvious where work ends, and home begins.
It’s not uncommon for someone to be answering a business phone call while loading the dishwasher. Or booking a meeting to finish in time to make the school run. Or helping with homework while catching up on accounts and admin. How many times have you worked late into the night when your daytime hours have been spent caring for others?
This is where having a system in place at home, as well as for your business, can make sure everything gets done. I can show you how it’s possible to keep your home clean and tidy without it impacting on your business work or family life. Just as a tidy desk can symbolise a tidy mind, having an organised household routine can take the pressure off running your business.
Get Started
To get started is the top tip. Today can be the day you make the changes. This is the first step to turning things around. Instead of chasing your tail, you can take control of your tasks and your time.

Involve Others
If you have a partner or family members who can help, involve them. Make it known that it’s everyone’s job to help around the house. Create a rota for tasks. Even if you think it is easier to do something like the laundry yourself, add up how many hours this takes each week. If you can delegate the task to another family member, you can free up your time for something else. You can introduce incentives or rewards based on the type of task, the amount of time, or the complexity.
There may come a point when it becomes cost effective to outsource household chores like laundry, ironing, loading and unloading the dishwasher, hoovering, dusting, making the beds, walking the dog and washing the car. Perhaps investing in having a cleaner once a week could help. Is it worth the price of having extra hours for yourself and for family time?
Group Tasks
Just as you might tackle a business project by grouping tasks together you can do exactly the same at home. If you have a batch of invoices to send out, you might do them one at a time, or you might do them all on a Friday evening.
The same principle applies when keeping your home and your business running smoothly. You can group tasks and allocate them to mornings or afternoons or assign them to a particular day of the week. If you have free time on Tuesday mornings, can you make that the time when you blitz the cleaning? If you put a time limit on the task it can help keep you accountable and make sure the time doesn’t drift away.
Accept Imperfection
It can be extremely hard for many business owners to accept things can’t be perfect all the time. High performers, ambitious, driven, successful, there is an inbuilt expectation for perfection, from themselves and those around them. In reality, dust happens, washing needs to be done, children need to be dropped off and collected from school and these things don’t always go to plan.
It might rain just as you’re about to put the washing out. A child may be sick during the day and need collecting early. Dusting seems to be a never-ending chore, especially if you have cats and dogs.
This is where I help my clients restore order at home and in the workplace. I’ll work with you to create responsibility lists and achievable accountability action plans that work for everyone.
Click here for more information and a free discovery call, let’s get your house and your business running smoothly.