For this months blog I wanted to look at how recovering from the Leo & the Lion incident related to the processes, systems and mindset that my clients focus on.
How did I get back to walking leo?
I’ve had to learn to take things one stage at a time whilst still recovering from the incident with Leo & the Lion! What do I mean by that? Well when you have a knee that makes you go Oww when ever you walk down a pavement, walk too fast, turn only the top half of your body to look behind to see if it’s safe to cross a road then you have to be careful and plan your routes.
What it has meant for me in the last 8 weeks, was the first 5 weeks I wasn’t walking Leo at all, in fact I was resting my knee so the healing process could start. Over the last 3 weeks I started by going out with various people whilst they walked Leo with me accompanying them at the speed I was comfortable with.
Next came me having Leo when he was on “dog time” which is when he’s allowed to snip and roam to the extent of the lead but no more. It’s his freedom time, it’s the time when predominately the lead is slack and he doesn’t pull.
Then only this week I’ve started walking him with someone else with me. So I predominately have Leo the second half of the walk, once he’s burnt off his over enthusiastic start to the walk and he’s had his “dog time” so is more capable of walking at the pace I want to go at.
What the heck has any of this got to do with business?
I regularly work on my clients, especially those who procrastinate or suffer from overwhelm, by looking at the tasks they have on their achievement list and we review why they aren’t achieving them.
Predominately it’s because they are too large.
Overwhelm about decluttering an office
A cluttered office or home creates a cluttered mind. If you have a clear desk, you also have less on your mind.
By having a sort out and a tidy round you will feel more relaxed, more focused and more energised.
Also you won’t be thinking “I still need to do that” or “When will I get time to sort this out”
By clearing your home or office, you will be clearing your mind and freeing up mental space and you’ll have better focus on your current task.
If this seems like a massive task to sort a room, chunk it down.
Disorganised shelves can give a sense of overwhelmOrganised Shelves organised mind
Chunk it down
Rather than think I need to tidy the office, focus on a shelf, a drawer, one corner of your desk.
Once you’ve achieved sorting that out celebrate, make yourself a brew, sit in the garden and listen to the birds for 5 minutes, tell someone you’ve done it.
By celebrating this small chunk you’ll be more motivated to achieve another chunk and before you know it you’ll have tidied your whole office!
I’d love to hear from you about what task, personal or business you’ve chunked down and achieved this week. Why not book in a call with myself to share your success, or struggles with chunking it down?
As always I appreciate your time is limited and I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog.
I had my 1st vaccination 5 hours ago and so far I’ve had no reactions at all. The injection itself was less painful than the Depo injection I have every 3 months. The fact the Depo is also injected into the muscle means I didn’t feel the pain, really.
My hubby by now was complaining of a sore arm, a fever, a headache amongst other things.
I had less pain than my Hubby after the injection
I don’t have medical training, this is just my thoughts.
I want to clarify, I don’t have medical training or nutritional training. These are my pondering on my choices, sharing some of the information I’ve been given and listen to. This me thinking about the things I do but my Hubby doesn’t and why I think they have helped me with my reactions so far.
Why am I sharing this?
I’ve seen other friends share on Social media and in very safe groups about how they have been affected by having the vaccine and if I can help someone I know to not have as bad a reaction as my Hubby, I really want to help them.
It’s not all about Genetics.
In my view it’s not all about my genetics, as a family member keeps insisting and the hubby keeps reiterating to me. The person saying this has no medical training, no training in genetics. They refuse ,as does my hubby, to accept it could be down to my choices of supplements, the fact I listen to friends who are on the front line and follow their advice.
It’s not all about the genes
What advice did I get?
This is written in the order I did things, not in order of preference or bias.
24 hours before your appointment.
PARACETAMOL My friend who works on the front line said to me, she had heard taking paracetamol for 24 hours before you have the jab (injection). I did this, don’t know if it made a difference, however when I’m given advice from someone on the front line who is around people with medical knowledge, as well as having medical knowledge themselves I’m going to listen.
SUPPORT YOUR IMMUNITY. As part of my daily routine I normally have 1 sachet of Immunity Support each day. In the 24 hours before my jab I upped this to 2. A single serving of this vegan food supplement pouche are a convenient way to get essential vitamins and minerals along with an instant pick me up any time or any place.
Drink more water. As a rule I already drink loads of water, I have a litre of water with a supplement that helps support cognitive performance including aspects like memory and learning and a supplement that delivers a blend of electrolytes to support isotonic balance and rehydrates cells to promote proper muscle function. In the morning especially if I’m on a heavy computer day as I need to keep hydrated when working at the computer.
No downside to drinking more water
1 hour before your appointment
Take 2 paracetamol, again I don’t know if this helped but as mentioned I didn’t find the injection painful nor has my arm become painful so maybe it does help.
Take 1 Sachet of the Immunity support. I took a sachet of my immunity support supplement an hour before so my body had time to absorb it.
After the appointment
Another friend of mine, who is a volunteer organiser for the vaccination appointments, advise taking regularly paracetamol for 24 / 48 hours after the appointment. They advised that the younger generation (40s) struggle more with the vaccination in general than the older generation, their own sons had a much more severe react than they did. They advised that paracetamol every 4 hours for 24 / 48 hours really helps with managing / reducing the symptoms.
4 hours after my appointment I took another sachet of immunity support sachet.
Currently (5 hours) after the injection
We’ve just got back from a dog walk, during which I called into Tesco to pick up some new food and some some fish to add to her current food to see if we can’t tempt her to eat it. We also needed a loaf, in case I do have worse symptoms tomorrow. I carried the shopping home, a mile and a half and have no pain in my arm.
I have no headache, I’m not shivering, I’m not feeling tired. I’m writing this watching the Eprix.
Home from a dog walk & shopping trip
What do I differently to my hubby?
1 – Positive Mental Attitude.
My hubby has been telling me, “I’ll get worse” or “Your arm will start hurting later” or “You just wait”. Every time my response was “I’ll be fine”. The family member I mentioned earlier had been telling him since he got the date we would react badly and should expect to really struggle. I think he got into his head to expect nothing else.
I believe that a positive mental attitude and the self believe that you’ve done everything to help your body deal in the best way to jab is the huge part of the battle.
2 – Listen to people with knowledge.
Hubby listened to hearsay, his main advisor was someone with no medical training. The only experience they had a of being jabbed was their own and their partners.
I listened to people who are on the front line, have medical knowledge and took their advice.
3 – I use supplements
As a couple we do eat well, we cook most things from scratch using herbs from my garden and later on in the year we have salads and veg from the garden too. However I believe in putting myself first and I work with my clients on the easiest way to do this too.
So give my body the best chance to deal with the jab, the supplements I have used which my Hubby doesn’t have given my body the additional supplements of:
Vitamin C
Naturally derived caffeine from Green Tea Leaf and Guarana Seed
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Do they actually make a difference? I don’t know but I’m feeling a lot better than he was.
4 – Paracetamol Regularly
I have taken paracetamol regularly before and since my jab, my hubby only took it once he was feeling very ill.
5 – Ignore your arm
The more you focus on something, the more you subconscious focuses on it and the more you worry about what’s going on. My hubby was constantly looking at his arm, seeing if “he had stopped bleeding” or “if he’d got lunch” or “if it ached more”!
I have an arm, like I have a back, a bum, a neck, a face. Don’t focus on it and your subconscious won’t.
6 – Drink more water
There is no downside to drinking more water,
I’ve shared here what I’ve done differently to my hubby and I do believe that some, if not all of it, has meant I’ve had less a reaction to the jab.
I am an Arbonne Independent Consultant other products are available. This article is based purely on my experience since having my first Covid vaccination, not on scientific data.
Do You Know Who’s Watching Your Business Social Media Posts?
Are you aware of your silent audience? These are people who have you as a LinkedIn connection, Facebook friend or follow you on Twitter, yet you almost never hear from them. They’re your silent audience, the people who are there, but those who don’t regularly like your posts or comment on your articles.
Who are your silent audience?
You might be tempted to remove these people, to delete them or block them, but I can share with you a story about how one person in my silent audience messaged me out of the blue and bought my services to help recover a debt from his customer. When I looked at his message, the last time we had exchanged messages was several years ago.
Why Me?
I asked him what prompted him to make contact and why he had chosen me to help solve his problem. He replied saying he’d seen my 4Networking 4Sight “Why I’m a Cyborg”, a presentation I deliver regularly on the networking circuit. He told me he’d read testimonials from my clients and that he wanted my help and no-one else’s. I solved his problem and I know he’s a happy customer who will recommend me for this service in the future.
When Is The Right Time?
I was chosen to provide the credit control debt recovery service for him because of my online reputation. It happened because he had a need for my service at that time. He stepped out of being part of my silent audience. It was the right time for him to contact me.
My good friend Stefan Thomas (The Networking Success Programme) is exactly right when he says, “you don’t know who’s watching or who you are reaching”. This means it’s even more important to keep your message consistent, to keep the same tone and language consistent, and to be the person that you portray online.
For example, if you post pictures of large houses and flashy sports cars and imply in your posts that you own them, your audience, silent or not, will find out and may change their opinion of you. So, always be you. Be authentic and you won’t need to keep track of what you’ve said because it will be part of your personality and lifestyle rather than a fake front to remember to upkeep.
Make It Easy
A bonus tip is to make it as easy as possible for your silent audience to reach you. Make sure your contact information is prominent and up to date. Make sure your website has the right information for the products and services you provide. Have you added anything new? Tell your silent audience what it is and make it easy for them to contact you.
If you would like to find out more about your silent audience and how to make the most of your social media connections, please book your Focus Guru “Making The Most Of Your Silent Audience” Power Hour and let’s get started.
Rachael Chiverton, Focus Guru – Giving You Your Time, Your Way
Nobody says being consistent is easy at first, but I will promise you that it makes a big difference. Just think about the most prominent brands on the market and you’ll spot they all have something in common. They are consistent. They’re always on your social media radar and through Focus Guru I’ll show you how you can do the same for your business too.
Being Consistent brings results
It doesn’t matter whether you make and sell your own products or services, or if you’re part of a network marketing team selling pre-packaged items, being consistent in your marketing and on social media makes a huge difference. If you’re part of a network marketing team, perhaps with Arbonne, Utility Warehouse, Forever Living, Enjo, PartyLite, or Tropic, you might already be using your company marketing material and upline support.
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, please contact me. If you would like more sales, please contact me and I can help. To do this, I’m offering a free 15 minute chat for business owners to help uncover anything which may be stopping you from being consistent in your social media.
“A quick phone call with Rachael has led to a page of notes with ideas and steps to take to help both of my Wedding and Kids businesses take a step forward!” – Charlotte Elizabeth
The free 15 minute chat may uncover areas in your personal life which are be preventing you spending time on business activities, and vice versa. For example, through the chat we may discover you’re more productive in the morning, perhaps there is less stress or fewer interruptions. It makes sense to keep this time free to complete your core activities, the “big rocks”. Equally, if the chat identifies you’re carrying out the school run ten times a week, don’t count on these hours to write your weekly newsletter.
In the Focus Guru Power Hours I’ll help identify your “best hours”, the times during the day where you can carry out the marketing tasks to propel your business towards a consistent social media presence. I’ll cover how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogs and Email consistently, without any stress or overwhelm. Having a consistent approach pays off in many ways.
“Definitely worth a phone call, Rachael had thought of marketing ideas I hadn’t even considered or thought of!” – Charlotte Elizabeth
Building consistency into your marketing has far-reaching and sometimes unexpected results. It can take many contacts with a prospective customer before they are ready to buy from you. Estimates range from two or three contacts to more than twenty times. That means someone may need to see your marketing message twenty times before they buy from you.
I help make the process of being consistent really simple and easy to implement. Taking out a Focus Guru package makes sure your marketing message is delivered on time each day or each week in front of your targeted customers. You can choose exactly when and where your social media marketing is posted and if you need help writing the content, I can arrange this for you too!
To book your Focus Guru Power Hour, please contact me on 07756 772950 and let’s get started.
Rachael Chiverton, Focus Guru – Giving You Your Time, Your Way
It’s very easy to get rushed off your feet looking after the wants and needs of other people. This could be answering questions for colleagues at work, finishing tasks out-of-hours for a boss, making sure your children are fed, clothed and entertained. It could be helping a neighbour with their shopping or checking in on relatives who may have been self-isolating during lockdown.
Top Tip – Make time for a long soak in a soothing bath this month
To make sure you can carry on helping others it’s important to take care of yourself. When flying, there’s the safety talk at the start of the flight advising passengers to “put your own oxygen mask on first” and this makes sense. How can you look after someone else when you’re running out of air?
Luckily, help is at hand! You really don’t have to do everything yourself, all the time. Through collaboration with others, learning accountability and extra time management skills can make a big difference. I can help with these things, but I also wanted to share with you the power of looking after yourself through something as simple and straightforward as making time to treat yourself.
Detox and Relax
Making time in your diary to relax and recharge is a vital part of keeping the balance between being busy and being stressed. It’s great to be busy, jumping from one job to the next to the next. But it can be draining on your time and your energy and this is where scheduling in “relax and recharge” time is essential for your mental and physical health.
When we feel good, we enjoy life more. The knock-on effect of being happy often makes us more outgoing and more productive. We achieve more and look for new opportunities.
Make Time for Bath Time
This is my top tip today! At least once a month, make time to run yourself a deep bath and immerse yourself in warm water to soothe troubles away. Add a shake of Arbonne’s Rescue & Renew Detox Soak dissolving sea salt crystals into the mix and you’re set for an aromatic journey whisking you away from anything that’s playing on your mind.
Let the pure essential oils cleanse and revitalise your skin. With natural ingredients such as grapefruit, tangerine, lavender, juniper berry, orange, rosemary, dandelion, turmeric and ginger root, you’ll be transported into a luxurious blend of smells and senses revitalising you inside and out.
Find Out More
I’ve been using Arbonne products myself for many years and can thoroughly recommend the Rescue & Renew range of sensual, relaxing and revitalising ways to relax and recharge. The products are vegan, cruelty free, gynaecologic and allergy tested, meaning they can be used safely no matter your skin type or skin sensitivity.
I’m an Arbonne Consultant and can advise on health, nutrition and skincare, offering advice and accountability to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle with more energy to enjoy the things you love.
If you’d like to know more about Rescue and Renew products, or if you’d like a free 15 minute consultation to find out how being an Arbonne Consultant can make a big difference in your life, book in here.
Rachael Chiverton, Focus Guru – Giving You Your Time, Your Way
Just as you’d check your car has plenty of fuel, oil, and water to keep running at optimum performance, did you know that you can do exactly the same for your body and mind? By looking after your body and mind you’ll automatically have more energy, more strength, and more endurance.
And, it’s easier than you might think.
If you’ve seen me at 4N Online meetings, you’ll know I always have a water bottle with me. Taking frequent sips of water throughout the day means I’m rehydrating and replenishing the essential electrolytes and fluids I’ve used in my everyday activities. This is especially important when I’m 4Sighting as even sitting still and talking contributes to dehydration and fatigue.
What you may not know is that I’ve added Arbonne Phytosport Hydration Sticks to the water. The water changes colour with the flavours of orange, pomegranate and pineapple and it tastes great. But the science behind the hydration sticks is impressive and while I’m drinking the water, my body is receiving nourishment and care so I can keep going for longer between breaks.
PhytoSport Range provides hydration to assist with focus
There are three types of hydration sticks designed to help you at different stages of your day and especially before, during and after physical activity. These are suitable for both men and women aged 18 or over and can be added to water to drink at home, at work or on the move.
Prepare and Endure
These are the hydration sticks to use before or during your exercise regime. Everyone is different so you might use one before walking your dog, or while doing a 10k run.
After Workout
If you have sore muscles and fatigue, these hydration sticks are designed to restore energy and support muscle growth and recovery while helping to reduce downtime between workouts.
Complete Hydration
As the name suggests, these sticks contain Arbonne’s blend of plant powered performance to promote a healthy body and mind. By staying hydrated you’ll feel alert, refreshed, and awake.
Keeping your body and mind working at peak performance makes life easier. You’ll feel more positive, more flexible and this will help you achieve more than when weighed down with muscle soreness and fatigue.
So, just as you would keep your car supplied with fuel, oil, and water, you can do the same for your body and mind. Arbonne Phytosport Hydration Sticks are vegan, gluten free, with no artificial colours, flavours, or sweeteners.
Arbonne sticks also certified by Informed Sport, the certification programme for sports supplements, raw materials and manufacturing facilities, another way Arbonne demonstrates a company-wide policy of creating environmentally sustainable and cruelty-free products.
If you would like to improve your performance, to drive the success of your business or navigate better ways of working on your own or in your team, please message me. I can help advise which hydration solutions will fit in best with your lifestyle and give you that turbo charged energy boost.
Rachael Chiverton, Focus Guru – Giving You Your Time, Your Way
Just as you’d check your car has plenty of fuel, oil, and water to keep running at optimum performance, did you know that you can do exactly the same for your body and mind? By looking after your body and mind you’ll automatically have more energy, more strength, and more endurance.
And, it’s easier than you might think.
Fizz helps you focus and energise
If you’ve seen me at 4N Online meetings, you’ll know I always have a water bottle with me. Taking frequent sips of water throughout the day means I’m rehydrating and replenishing the essential electrolytes and fluids I’ve used in my everyday activities. This is especially important when I’m 4Sighting as even sitting still and talking contributes to dehydration and fatigue.
What you may not know is that I’ve added Arbonne Phytosport Hydration Sticks to the water. The water changes colour with the flavours of orange, pomegranate and pineapple and it tastes great. But the science behind the hydration sticks is impressive and while I’m drinking the water, my body is receiving nourishment and care so I can keep going for longer between breaks.
There are three types of hydration sticks designed to help you at different stages of your day and especially before, during and after physical activity. These are suitable for both men and women aged 18 or over and can be added to water to drink at home, at work or on the move.
Prepare and Endure
These are the hydration sticks to use before or during your exercise regime. Everyone is different so you might use one before walking your dog, or while doing a 10k run.
After Workout
If you have sore muscles and fatigue, these hydration sticks are designed to restore energy and support muscle growth and recovery while helping to reduce downtime between workouts.
Complete Hydration
As the name suggests, these sticks contain Arbonne’s blend of plant powered performance to promote a healthy body and mind. By staying hydrated you’ll feel alert, refreshed, and awake.
Keeping your body and mind working at peak performance makes life easier. You’ll feel more positive, more flexible and this will help you achieve more than when weighed down with muscle soreness and fatigue.
So, just as you would keep your car supplied with fuel, oil, and water, you can do the same for your body and mind. Arbonne Phytosport Hydration Sticks are vegan, gluten free, with no artificial colours, flavours, or sweeteners.
Arbonne sticks also certified by Informed Sport, the certification programme for sports supplements, raw materials and manufacturing facilities, another way Arbonne demonstrates a company-wide policy of creating environmentally sustainable and cruelty-free products.
If you would like to improve your performance, to drive the success of your business or navigate better ways of working on your own or in your team, please message me. I can help advise which hydration solutions will fit in best with your lifestyle and give you that turbo charged energy boost.
Rachael Chiverton, Focus Guru – Giving You Your Time, Your Way
For any company to reach a 40 year anniversary is a huge milestone, but this year it’s even more special for Arbonne because this is the year they have been awarded B Corporation Certification recognising the highest standards delivered by the company.
I am proud to be a brand ambassador for this amazing company. Every year I fall in love with it a little bit more. The ethos, products and community are second to none!
My involvement as an Arbonne Independent Consultant enables me to meet people from all walks of life, from all business types and cultural backgrounds. Arbonne brings people together. It’s not just about selling the beauty, health and wellbeing products, it’s about creating a supportive community with a holistic approach to life.
Arbonne health and skincare products are suitable for men and women of all ages. The plant-based products are 100% vegan, cruelty-free and backed by years of scientific and clinical research. I’ve been fortunate to follow my clients on their journey using Arbonne products and have seen first-hand the health and healing process.
B Corporation Certification is awarded to companies that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. Arbonne balances people, planet and profit to deliver outstanding results.
For Arbonne to achieve B Corporation Certification, strict criteria have been met. Arbonne is one of the top five largest companies in the personal care industry to achieve this recognition. A pioneer in creating clean, plant-based products, Arbonne focuses on a holistic approach to healthy living that improves the mind, body and skin.
As an Arbonne Independent Consultant I am able to bring the power of positive mindset alongside sustainable solutions to help you look better on the outside and feel better on the inside. This combination is vital for business owners to maintain energy levels and achieve the best use of your time through making better decisions in health and nutrition.
The best part for me is working with you to free up your time and energy. I can help make small changes which will make a big difference. Wouldn’t it be great to be more productive during your working hours and still have plenty of time to spend with your friends and family and on the things you enjoy the most?
To find out more, please give me a call on 07756 772950.
Going to the hairdresser is a monthly treat for many men and women. It’s the best opportunity to put aside any work commitments and home duties for a while. The feeling of being cared for and pampered while you relax in a comfy chair away from the hustle and bustle of life is something to look forward to.
Going to the hairdresser is a monthly treat
As well as catching up on the latest gossip, chatting about homelife and holidays, it’s a place of real calm where time stops and you’re the centre of attention for a while. Having a new haircut, restyle, colour, trim, shave or simply a wash and blow-dry, there are lots of choices.
Afterwards, when the mirror shows your new cut and colour from the front, side and back, you feel a million dollars, having split ends cut away or new layers, the small to the big changes have a huge positive effect on your mindset and wellbeing.
There’s the smell of the luxury shampoo and conditioner, the prolonged head massage, the cup of tea or coffee, the whole experience is second to none.
But it isn’t always possible to find time to do this every time you wash your hair and that’s where the Arbonne range of True Hair products exceeds all expectations. You can choose from the replenishing mask, daily shampoo, daily conditioner and the leave-in treatment, or use a combination of all four amazing products. You have the freedom to choose when and where you wash your hair without booking an appointment. At home, at the gym, at a friend’s house, there’s no restriction and Arbonne’s products can be used every day.
I’m an Arbonne Independent Consultant of several years and I am able to answer any questions about using these products. I can also help recommend which one would be best for you or for a friend if you’re planning a surprise gift.
True Hair Replenishing Mask
At last, an intense replenishing mask to transform dull, lifeless hair with a burst of nourishing deep hydration. This mask contains boosting botanicals including pea protein, sustainably sourced baobab and ashwagandha root. You’ll feel the difference in your hair health and love the shine from root to tip.
True Hair Daily Shampoo
Try this luxurious low lather gluten-free shampoo to remove build-up from your hair without stripping away essential moisturiser. You’ll find your hair softer, smoother, more luminous, silky and healthy. Using Arbonne’s natural ingredients your hair becomes stronger with less breakage. It’s also suitable for daily use on all hair types, including colour treated.
True Hair Daily Conditioner
This lightweight, nutrient rich formula is designed to rinse clean, detangle and leave your hair manageable and silky smooth. Using sustainably sourced baobab to help replenish critical moisture and repair damage. It’s gentle enough to use every day on all hair types. With a light matcha green tea scent the True Hair Daily Conditioner is the perfect partner to the True Hair Daily Shampoo.
True Hair Daily Leave-In Treatment
For the ultimate aftercare for your hair, try the True Hair Daily Leave-In Treatment. Used in conjunction with the mask, shampoo, conditioner or on its own, you can lock in healthy looking shiny hair between washes (or salon visits). Anti-frizz and Arbonne’s restorative treatment help to protect your hair throughout the day.
Arbonne’s 40 years of experience in the health, skincare and nutrition industry backed by solid scientific research and a dedication to cruelty-free products makes the best use of natural ingredients from sustainable sources. The products are good for you and good for the environment too.
To find out more, please give me a call on 07756 772950. I can arrange for your Arbonne order to arrive at a home or work address, or to be posted to a destination of your choice. I am proud to be an ambassador for Arbonne and can answer any questions you may have.
We’re nearly a quarter of the way through 2020 already. The year is flying past and it feels a long way since the cold, dark months in January. The days are getting lighter and there’s the hint of Spring in the air.
This made me think back to my January New Year Resolutions and I wondered how many of my friends have stuck to the goals they set. Resolutions to stop smoking, lose weight, eat healthy food, to exercise more, to travel more, everyone chose something different.
What’s included in the Arbonne 30days Challenge?
It was easy in January with the new year momentum propelling changes in both personal life and at work. But how many resolutions have slipped by the wayside. It is likely many cigarettes have been smoked, extra pounds have been gained and gym membership cards are gathering dust in wallets and purses. The signs of our failed resolutions exist in many ways. But it doesn’t have to be like this.
I’m a firm believer of looking after myself from the inside to the outside. I’m more conscious than ever about the food I choose and making sure I take regular exercise. It helps because I’ve got an energetic dog who loves to walk in the park. She keeps me motivated, even when it’s raining. We go out every day and I always feel better for it.
Another way I look after myself is using the “30 Days to Healthy Living Program” from Arbonne. For those of you who know me well, you’ll know I’m an Arbonne Independent Consultant, an ambassador for Arbonne products. I truly believe these products work and cannot recommend them highly enough.
The 30 Days to Healthy Living Program is surprisingly easy, simple to follow and achieves great results by building new habits to improve life-long health.
You’ll Gain:
More Energy
More Vitality
More Engaged in Life
More Happiness
Using the 30 Days to Healthy Living Program, you’re embarking on a health journey that will rest your liver and kidneys to maximise their function. You’re not on your own. The program includes the tools and knowledge to increase awareness of food types and how they interact with your body and work with or against your lifestyle.
It’s a gentle program scientifically engineered to bring out the best in your body, to give you more energy, focus, motivation and zest for life.
If you’re feeling heavy, anxious, irritable or tired, this program can help. If your joints ache, your movement is limited and it’s hard to focus during the day, the 30 Days program can help.
I’ve seen first-hand how this program literally transforms lives. Lethargy becomes vitality. Anxiety turns to confidence and uncertainty and fog turns to focus and clarity.
The best part of the 30 Days to Healthy Living Program is how easy it is to implement alongside your current lifestyle. If you would like to find out more, please give me a call on 07756 772950.