Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Is it time to find the root cause of your stress? Do you want to find those money eating squirrels and take back control? If you find your time is spiralling down the drain faster than you would like, please give me a call.

This strange quiet time of lockdown has given many of us the chance to stop and reflect on our busy lives. For some of us, the immediate stop in our working life was a mixture of shock, anger and resentment, but this has given way to a strange sense of calm. Lockdown has given many of us the time to think and the time to plan. There’s also an awkward in-between stage where you might feel you’re racing around but not really achieving anything.
So, my question to you is, “are you where you need to be?” and this can relate to an area of your work, or your home, or your family and friendships. If your answer is truly “yes” then that’s great. You’ve achieved the eutopia of success. But, if you feel there’s something missing, let’s chat and maybe I can help.
Studies show we’re much more likely to do something and achieve something if we write it down. The connection between our brain and the pen seems to form a binding contract within ourselves and we are more likely to follow through with the actions we propose.
Be Accountable to Someone
Even better than a pen and paper contract is holding yourself accountable to someone else. An example scenario could be promising your partner you’ll cook them dinner tonight. Once the words are spoken, your brain takes note. Something needs doing by a specific time and it will pull things together to make it happen. If you need to go shopping for ingredients, or are phoning for a takeaway, your brain figures out how to make it happen.
Equally at work, having an accountability buddy can help you achieve more tasks in less time. This is something I offer to my clients as part of my Focus Guru service. We start with a chat about where you are now and where you want to be. I can work with you as an individual, or as the boss of a team, helping you and your team achieve more.
“Rachael’s butt-kicking, no-nonsense, organised approach has held myself and my team of six accountable. This alone is saving me over £2000 per month!” – Adrian Savage
Three Steps to Success
Step 1 – Let’s have a conversation
A great friend of mine, Stefan Thomas, says “every big opportunity starts with a simple conversation” and he’s right. If you give me a call, I’ll ask a few easy questions about where you are now and where you want to be. I’ll ask what systems and/or processes you have in place. Then I’ll put together a report from our conversation with recommendations for apps, software, time management, staff skills, outsourcing, the tools to help get you from A to B.
Step 2 – It’s time to implement new solutions
Having received your report, I’ll talk you through the steps I’m recommending and also help keep you accountable with the solutions to implement. We’ll go through the report together so you can see how and why the recommendations were made. These could be solutions such as an app on your phone to say how long you’ve been using the screen, or how many hours are taken up scrolling through Facebook. The report might highlight a recommendation to outsource your bookkeeping, filing, diary management, appointment booking, sending quotes, or writing web content. There are unique solutions for each person based on what you personally want to achieve.
Step 3 – Keep up the good work
It’s said it can take up to 90 days to make significant changes in your life. Old habits can be hard to break, but new habits can be instilled and followed within 90 days, creating the new you, a more relaxed you and a more productive you. This is why I offer 90 days accountability, to make sure you’re happy with implementing the new ways of working or running your house and lifestyle.
So, if you want to get rid of your squirrels and get to where you need to be to achieve the lifestyle you want, please give me a call and I will be happy to share my knowledge and expertise, adjusting your habits to bring out the best in you and your team. Let’s chat! Call me on 07756 772950 to get started.
Rachael Chiverton, Focus Guru – Giving You Your Time, Your Way