The Top 5 Business Skills Your Dog Can Teach You

Having a dog can make a big difference in your life, especially if you work from home. It’s their constant presence that means you’re never alone. It’s the way he or she waits for you to return from the shops, a meeting, or even the bathroom. To your dog you are the most important person in the world, and they have much to offer in return for your affection.

Missy is my dog and together we share adventures throughout the day. I’ve noticed subtle ways she encourages me in my working day, and these are the business skills I’m sharing with you.

Missy lives in the moment, exploring everything as we should be doing in business
Missy lives in the moment, exploring everything as we should be doing in business
  1. Simple is Best

Keeping things simple is the foundation of a stress-free life. We lead complicated lives and yet if we go back to the basics and get these right then we can achieve so much more. Three of Missy’s favourite things are walks, food and sleep.

If I incorporate these three things properly into my daily routine, I find I have more energy and motivation to achieve everything I have set out to do. Missy and I walk for at least an hour every day, rain or shine. The outdoor air is refreshing and energising. It clears my mind and allows me to concentrate much better when I return to my desk. Sometimes I’ll make phone calls on our walk and this means I can use my time twice.

  1. Listen then Act

Missy is always listening. Even when she’s asleep, the slightest noise will attract her attention. She makes quick decisions whether the noise is something important or something to ignore. An example is the rattle of her lead. She knows she’s going for a walk. The doorbell rings. She barks to let me know someone’s at the door.

In business, listening is as important as speaking. Being known as a non-judgemental listener enables your staff, suppliers and customers to share with you any success or problems knowing you’ll give them your full attention, even if things have gone wrong.

  1. Training is Important

Learning new things is a great way to expand your knowledge and upgrade your skillset. In Missy’s world, she’s always learning. We started with simple skills using simple commands, such as “sit”, “heel”, “catch” and “fetch”, increasing her knowledge through listening and repetition.

These skills mean we can do more together and I know how she will respond. It’s the same for humans. Going on a course, attending a workshop or gaining an accreditation are great ways to learn new skills for personal and professional development.

  1. The Power of Play

If something is fun, we are more likely to enjoy it. If we enjoy it, we are more likely to remember it. This is the reason why the power of play is an essential component in bonding with our colleagues, suppliers, customers and family. It could be sharing a joke. It could be a teambuilding exercise. It could be having a pint after work or meeting up at the weekend.

Play promotes creativity and productivity. Missy doesn’t worry about getting muddy or not looking her best after a run around the park and it doesn’t hurt for us humans to schedule in some playtime either.

  1. Living in the Moment

Dogs are exceptionally good at living in the moment, meaning they can enjoy wholeheartedly what they are doing, while they are doing it. They aren’t thinking about the next activity, or what happened five minutes ago. If Missy is playing “catch” and drops the ball, it’s not the end of the world. She knows I’ll throw the ball again and she has the chance to catch it next time.

Missy takes her time to stop and survey her surroundings, taking everything in one sniff at a time. She’s always keen to try something new, to meet someone new, to eat something new, and loves exploring. Her endless enthusiasm encourages me to be more aware of the present and to appreciate everything that happens, as it happens.

These are the business skills we all could do with using every day of the working week and at the weekend as well. From keeping things simple, to listening, training, playing and living in the moment, these are the skills we can learn from our canine friends.

For more business tips visit, or call me on 07756 772950 to discover how my training sessions will help you find more time for dog walks and the things you enjoy doing the most.

Do You Need Some Fizz In Your Business?

As we’re drawing towards the end of the year, this is the time when it’s harder to get motivated. With the nights drawing in and the darker mornings it can be more difficult to get started each day. For many of us, the change in season can be an emotional time. All those new year’s resolutions that got broken. All those goals fallen by the wayside.

But, for some of us, myself included, this is the time to get energised and focussed, to see what can be achieved by the end of the year and not worry about what has or hasn’t happened in 2019 already.

Fizz helps you focus and energise
Fizz helps you focus and energise

This is where I recommend adding fizz into your life!

I don’t mean champagne fizz, although that’s a great way to celebrate your achievements and I don’t mean the fizz from fireworks either.

I mean FIZZ.

Fizz is the energy, the zest, that burst of ideas so powerful that things get done quickly and efficiently. We all have fizz, otherwise nothing would get done. But, if you’re feeling tired, demotivated or bored, then maybe you need a little more fizz.

Fizz is the power of concentration, the ability to use your time twice to achieve more tasks. Fizz helps you stay positive, even when things go wrong. It is something we can all use to give us a boost and stay on track at home and at work.

I believe we can be in control of our lives in many ways. From what we eat and drink, to how much we exercise, how we look after our bodies and minds manifests itself into our productivity, our positivity and our performance overall.

From speaking with people from all walks of life at networking events and with my clients, there is a common theme that we all want more energy and more time. I believe these are 100% interlinked.

With more energy we can use our time to better effect. With more time we have more energy to use on other activities. To quote the phrase, we want to “work smarter, not harder”, and that is where having more fizz means more energy and more energy means more time becomes available.

If you’re in the Macclesfield area, come and join me at my New Product Launch event at The Park Tavern on Tuesday 8th of October between 4:30 and 6 or Friday the 18th of October between 2pm and 3:30pm. I’ll be talking about how you can add some fizz into your life to get more energy to do the things you enjoy the most.

New Product Launch

Tuesday 8th October

4:30 pm to 6pm

The Park Tavern, Macclesfield


Friday the 18th of October

2pm to 3:30pm

The Park Tavern, Macclesfield

I’ll be sharing business and lifestyle tips which you can use at home and at work to add some fizz into your life. There will also be products for sale to help you gain more energy and fizz, which can help you achieve more tasks in less time. This is a free event and everyone’s welcome. For more information please contact me on 07756 772950.