Get off to a great start with your new business with processes in place for prospecting and focus.
Starting a business brings excitement, challenges and stress. More decisions. More Distractions. You need more focus. However what should you focus on? How do you know where to start? What is needed to start? Is it the Chicken or the Egg?
You need processes to help you navigate and be able to see the wood for the trees. The challenge for you is to understand what needs to be done and why. The more you get right at the start, the bigger you will grow.
As a new business you realise it’s hard to get going. You have so many decisions to make, you have so much going round your head. You need focus. You need a helping hand, you need someone to hold you taking actions.
Do you find yourself asking these questions or using these statements?
1 – Where has the day gone? You set up to get back work life balance and turn your passion into a business. Now you have even less time but feel like you achieve very little. Your feeling like a swan, calm to the outside world but paddling madly inside.
2 – There’s too much to do, I’ll never achieve it. Your not alone, lots of people either new to business or who have been in business feel like this. The weight on your shoulders makes you slump and you can’t concentrate on anything.
3 – You need to work smarter, not longer? You know that you can achieve everything you want to. You know you know your stuff, however there just isn’t time to do everything. You wish there was a way to learn what to do first and why.
What you actually want is:
You want to improve financially, mentally physically and emotionally by changing the way you work.
You need to understand where you are, where you want to be and what systems, processes and procedures you can implement to get you there. This looks at life as well as at business.
You have to take back control of your time, giving back freedom and work life balance and relieve you from the feelings of pressure, failure and frustration.
The solution: A Focus Guru Power Hour
Focus Guru Power hour is an interactive hour via zoom offered to new start up businesses.
The power hour will give you the feeling of excitement back, the knowledge to understand what you need to propritise. A plan to move you forwards, have systems, processes and planning techniques that you are able to stick with.
It’s fully tailored to you, what you need to focus on and how you get that knowledge so you can fly gracefully under your own control and know I can achieve this.
The Foundation for Focus Guru Power Hour
Through my years in corporate and also self employment I’ve discovered I’m ODD! Yes that’s right I’m odd, but then everyone thinks they are odd, if we weren’t the world would be really really boring!
I found my own ways of combining my knowledge, my skills and my experience that helped me to squeeze every second of every minute to get the maximum out of the hours I want to work.
I discovered it isn’t just time that constrains us. It’s emotions, it’s feelings, it’s not understanding, it’s feeling flaberghasted.
I work with my clients to address these feelings, teach them ways to identify where they should be focussing.
How the power hour works
We have a 15 minute discovery call as I only work with clients I know I can help and who are ready and willing to accept they need to make changes.
Once we’ve had the call and agree we are right to work together, we agree when you will have your hour long Power Hour.
This is recorded and sent to you after the meeting, so you have it to keep and refer back to. If you call is about processes and time management, you will also receive a template to use to let you plan your time better and also some tea bags, to remind you how easy it is to forget all the little steps you have achieved.
What previous clients have said.
Caroline was regularly overwhelmed. Having started a new business during Lockdown she need to understand how to get everything done each day. She says “Rachael completely changed my life. After a power hour session with her I am focused, I know which tasks I need to do first and, most importantly, which ones are going to create income. I no longer waste my time on squirrels.”
Jenny realised that she had lists of contacts who had bought some of her books but not others. She didn’t know how she can get the message out about her new book to everyone hwo had bought a book previously. Jenny said “Rachael has been amazing helping me set up mailing campaigns for my Sammy Rambles books and dragons! She walked through all the steps from creating the account to importing contacts and sending a test email. I feel confident I can send my own mailshots after my Focus Guru Power Hour.”
There are also these bonuses:
Recording of the call sent to you. This is an information packed hour, so you receive a recording of the call which you can refer back to whenever you need to.
Template Achievement board. You have to track achievements to know how far you’ve come. You will receive the template for your white board so you can always start the day with that “WOW Haven’t I done a lot” feeling.
A week’s accountability. After the call I realise that it can be hard to change habits, so included in this offer is a week’s accountability free of charge to help you achieve your dreams and make those changes.
Tea bags! Yes that’s right you’ll receive some tea bags from me to help you to remember that every big task can be a little task which can be even more achievable.
Is a Focus Guru Power Hour right for you?
These power hours are designed for start businesses or new business concepts.
Typically my clients are new businesses 6 months – 3 years old old or businesses that have branched out into new areas. Typically my clients are UK based service businesses.
The most important thing in the power hours is YOU. You have to have the willingness to change. You have to want to develop new ways of working that open you up for the chances of the success you believe in. You have to understand how making the changes you are going to make will enable you to grow your business. You have to have an open mind.
Here’s how to find out more.
If you’ve read this far, and you think you might be interested in booking a Focus Guru Power Hour, I’d like to invite you to book a 15 minutes discovery call. This is your way to find out more and learn if a Focus Guru Power Hour can help you.
The first step to you achieving your dream is to book a discovery call at this link.