Are You Avoiding Making Phone Calls To Potential Customers?

Does your business rely on making phone calls to sign up new customers? It’s possibly one of the easiest ways to chat with potential clients, yet many people would rather run a mile than pick up the phone.

This is where chatting through the problems with telephone calls can make a big difference.

In my Focus Guru Power Hour I explore the reasons why making phone calls as a marketing tool is often perceived as futile, forgotten, or even frightening, for some business owners and their employees.

Are Phone Calls Futile?

A client recently said to me they don’t use the telephone to follow up enquiries because it’s a waste of time, that no one answers the phone anymore, they don’t know what to say if they have to leave an answerphone message, no one rings them back, etc. We chatted about their phone call strategy and how to include phone calls in their daily routine.

I recommend allocating a portion of your day to picking up the phone, especially if you’ve recently been to a networking meeting when your company, products and services will be fresh in someone’s mind. Just as you’d rehearse your 40 second introduction, I recommend having a short sentence or two ready in case you have to leave a message. You’ll be surprised at how many calls are returned and how successful phone calls can be.

Are Phone Calls Forgotten?

With social media readily available, the idea of actually making a phone call might be a long way down your list of methods to make contact with customers. Unlike messages, texts and emails, a phone call is one of the quickest ways to reach someone and a great way to get an instant answer.

I recommend aiming to make 5 to 10 phone calls each day. Some calls might be 40 seconds leaving a voicemail. Other calls might take 10 minutes or longer. If you can prepare a list of questions in advance to ask your potential customer then you’ll be able to guide the phone call and draw it to a conclusion, perhaps with a sale or a referral.

Are Phone Calls Frightening?

It’s not unheard of for someone to be scared of using the phone to speak with potential customers. Fear of rejection and fear of failure are common reasons why people are reluctant to pick up the phone. If you’ve just started a new job and are worried about speaking with long-standing clients, or if you don’t know answers to product or service questions, you might prefer to send an email or social media message, and that’s ok.

But, if you can conquer your fears, then there’s a whole world of potential customers out there. I recommend standing up to make important phone calls, to take a sip of water before you dial, to speak slowly and clearly and remember to breathe. Another tip is to reward yourself for small wins. Remember, making 1 phone call is a big achievement.

To find out more about using phone calls in your marketing strategy, please contact me for a free 15-minute no obligation phone call to chat about you, your company and what you would like to achieve. It’s easy to use phone calls as an effective sales tool. Let’s get started!

Rachael Chiverton, Focus Guru – Giving You Your Time, Your Way with no Squirrels