How many party invitations have you turned down because you weren’t happy with the way you looked? Have you ever hidden your face away from the camera or asked friends to remove photos of you from Facebook or Instagram?
It happens more often than you might think. Everywhere we look, especially online, many people paint a perfect picture of reality. They might add filters or change the lighting, doing anything and everything to make the photo look acceptable in their eyes. In extreme cases you might not recognise someone in real life from the persona they have created and cultivated online.

In behind the scenes, there’s often a deep-rooted desire to be accepted. There’s a widely believed perception that if you have the perfect face, perfect skin, it will somehow change things. But, in reality, it all comes down to how you feel about yourself and that’s something you do have control over.
Gaining confidence over your appearance is something everyone can achieve. It starts from within, taking care of yourself and being mindful of your health and nutrition. It doesn’t mean ditching all the takeaways and fast food, but instead making informed choices and having a variety of food each day.
The results will show in your skin and it’s always good to have a glow from making healthy choices. Instead of dry skin, blocked pores, breakouts, discolouration and a washed-out feeling, choosing products from the Clear Future Collection will help restore a healthy balance to your skin. You’ll have the confidence to stand tall and pose for photos without worrying about how you look.
As an Arbonne Independent Consultant I really enjoy helping people develop confidence in themselves. It’s a breakthrough when someone contacts me to say they feel better about themselves simply by making small changes to their lifestyle and appearance.
Having “bad skin” isn’t an unsolvable problem. It can take time and perseverance, but with five high performance natural solutions in the Clear Future Collection, it’s possible to have super smooth skin that’s clear and glowing. These highly recommended products are powered by acne-fighting salicylic acid and botanicals to help calm and soothe your skin.
According to Arbonne’s research, after 3 days 76% of participants noticed a visible improvement in skin redness. After 1 week, 79% of participants noticed a reduction in acne blemishes and after just 4 weeks 91% of participants reported that they would recommend Clear Future to their friends and family.
If you would like to know more about the five skin-healing, confidence boosting products, please contact me to chat about how these can fit into your lifestyle and make a big difference to how you see yourself.
I can show you results from using the Deep Pore Acne Cleanser, Corrective Acne Treatment Pads, Mattifying Acne Treatment Lotion, Intensive Acne Spot Treatment and Soothing Overnight Mask and how they can help you too. Please give me a call on 07756 772950 and I’ll help you gain the confidence to stand at the front of your next group photo.